Lazy blogger
Yup, that's me the "lazy blogger" at least the past few days. O.k. maybe not so much lazy, as doing too much and not blogging. It's not that I haven't wanted to. I made two loaves of my Mom's banana bread yesterday. Ian's favorite! I will share that recipe with you at some point. I roasted red peppers today. I sliced them thinly and layered them with their juices and olive oil. I can't wait to use them, in pasta, on crostini, in sauce etc... I just read a great book called The Girls from Ames. It was excellent, and I think every woman should read it, yup it was that good. I just started another book called The Help, so far so good as well. I attended the fashion show on Saturday and had a great time with friends! Then my little family had a sleepover at the Buckmans. The kids and Dads went to a Drive-in. How fun is that. Then there is a little adventure this weekend for all of us, and all the planning that goes into that. I'm not complaining...just sharing kind of lazy like. I took this photo this past summer on our way down to Brian's High School reunion. Well, I better get going. I'm off with the kiddos!
1 comment:
Such a cute picture of the kids at the top of the blog
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