I'm not sure when it exactly started...I probably first heard about theses beauties from Martha. I purchased a "reproduction" from the campus store number of years ago. Then through one of the blogs I follow it called my name. That's right friends I have fallen in love with Fire King Jadeite!!! I was searching ebay for my new crush when I found out the style/pattern (restaurant/ovenware) that I like is more expensive than my fine bone china!! I told my BFF I'm over it! It was just a crush.
Then when my true love and I went away for our anniversary...guess what was spilling over the shelves and calling my name.
If you want to read about the last daring baker's challenge scroll down to June 27th.
Love it! now I know what to get you for your bday next year!
Ha Ha Ha Ha....You are soooooo funny. For the love, I can't believe they are that expensive. They are beautiful though! Are they lonely now???
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