Friday, July 19, 2013

Instagram week 12

1. Lots of smoothies this week.
2. Donuts last Saturday (that's a maple glazed, sprinkled with bacon in the front).
3. I've been working on a recipe for a "healthier" coffee cake.
4. No bake macaroons.
5. We've been cleaning Ian's room and found this puzzle of the United States.
6.  We found this angry bird/ star wars puzzle too (apparently we gave it to him for Christmas.

Weekend plans:

1. Date night.
2. Katie goes on a missions trip (please pray).
3.  It's supposed to cool down, maybe bake?
4. Get out in the garden.
5. Church

What's everyone else up to this weekend?  Have a great one!


Jackie said...

Where is Katie going on her mission trip? My Brice traveled to New Orleans and to Africa on mission trips. I also accompanied our youth group with my two oldest to Mexico.... great experience, I will pray for Katie!

Young Adventures... said...

Jackie, she is going to Detroit. How wonderful that your children could serve in so many places!

Shannon said...

My youngest loves puzzles. Hope you had a nice weekend!

Ava said...


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